~ za izražanje možnosti (he might be in a shop) ~ nasvet/lahko bi vsaj (she might at least thank me) ~ izražanje verjetnosti (they might even win the match) ~ vljudna oblika may (how might I help you?) ~ lahko bi vsaj (you might have at least tried!)
How long How high How tall How far How wide How deep How old How heavy How high is the ceiling? How tall are you? How wide is the river in the city center? How heavy is that box? How long is this river? What is the length of this river? How high is Mount Duncan? What is the height of Mount Duncan? Listen to the song and then do the exercise!
Song: How __________ is the ocean? How __________ do I love you? I'll tell you no lie How __________ is the ocean? How __________ is the sky? How __________ times a day do I think of you? How __________ roses are sprinkled with dew? How __________ would I travel To be where you are? How __________ is the journey From here to a star? And if I ever lost you How __________ would I cry? How __________ is the ocean? How __________ is the sky? Irving Berlin
Pets - vaje in razne aktivnosti na temo hišnih ljubljenčkov matching pets - poveži hišne ljubljenčke s poimenovanji wordsearch - poišči hišne ljubljenčke, poimenovanja za njihove dele telesa in besedice za opis game (igra) GAMES (igre in druge aktvinosti na temo PETS)