sreda, 28. april 2010
Kleider, Mode, DEKLINATION
Mode Kreuzworträtsel
Wenn,..... , dass..., um...zu...
Kleider machen Leute!
3. Fall Endungen (Dativ)
4. Fall Endungen (Akkusativ)
Welcher? Was für ein?
ponedeljek, 26. april 2010
Grammar: Unit 5, 6, 7, 8
Vocabulary: Unit 5, 6, 7, 8
Grammar extra:
Present Perfect/Past Simple
too/enough, 1st conditional
passive present&past
Vocabulary: Unit 5, 6, 7, 8
Grammar extra:
Present Perfect/Past Simple
too/enough, 1st conditional
passive present&past
sobota, 3. april 2010
PHRASAL VERBS (frazni glagoli)
frazni glagoli - razlaga
seznam 1nekaterih fraznih glagolov 2 3 4 5
EXERCISE (vaje z rešitvami)
phrasal verb PUT
phrasal verbs @ bogglesworld
extra exercises /dodatne naloge - zahtevnejše
worksheets (challenge!)
seznam 1nekaterih fraznih glagolov 2 3 4 5
EXERCISE (vaje z rešitvami)
phrasal verb PUT
phrasal verbs @ bogglesworld
extra exercises /dodatne naloge - zahtevnejše
worksheets (challenge!)
describing a process - how to make an omelette
How to make Apple Crumble
Dessert Pies:
How To Make Apple Crumble
a recipe for COFFEE COOKIES
food drawings exercise
picture recipe for fruit pizza and tuna risotto
cooking measurements and units (enote, ki jih uporabljamo pri kuhanju)
RECIPIES with images YUMMY!(recepti s slikami) NJAMI!!!!
visual recipes
How to make Apple Crumble
Dessert Pies:
How To Make Apple Crumble
a recipe for COFFEE COOKIES
food drawings exercise
picture recipe for fruit pizza and tuna risotto
cooking measurements and units (enote, ki jih uporabljamo pri kuhanju)
RECIPIES with images YUMMY!(recepti s slikami) NJAMI!!!!
visual recipes
HOW + adjective...?
How + Adjective
How long
How high
How tall
How far
How wide
How deep
How old
How heavy
How high is the ceiling?
How tall are you?
How wide is the river in the city center?
How heavy is that box?
How long is this river?
What is the length of this river?
How high is Mount Duncan?
What is the height of Mount Duncan?
Listen to the song and then do the exercise!
Song: How __________ is the ocean?
How __________ do I love you?
I'll tell you no lie
How __________ is the ocean?
How __________ is the sky?
How __________ times a day do I think of you?
How __________ roses are sprinkled with dew?
How __________ would I travel
To be where you are?
How __________ is the journey
From here to a star?
And if I ever lost you
How __________ would I cry?
How __________ is the ocean?
How __________ is the sky?
Irving Berlin
rešitve vpiši med komentarje :-)
How long
How high
How tall
How far
How wide
How deep
How old
How heavy
How high is the ceiling?
How tall are you?
How wide is the river in the city center?
How heavy is that box?
How long is this river?
What is the length of this river?
How high is Mount Duncan?
What is the height of Mount Duncan?
Listen to the song and then do the exercise!
Song: How __________ is the ocean?
How __________ do I love you?
I'll tell you no lie
How __________ is the ocean?
How __________ is the sky?
How __________ times a day do I think of you?
How __________ roses are sprinkled with dew?
How __________ would I travel
To be where you are?
How __________ is the journey
From here to a star?
And if I ever lost you
How __________ would I cry?
How __________ is the ocean?
How __________ is the sky?
Irving Berlin
rešitve vpiši med komentarje :-)
Comparatives and superlatives (primerniki in presežniki/ stopnjevanje pridevnikov, primerjanje na dva načina - vaje z rešitvami)
RULE (pravila)
practice (vaja z rešitvami)
RULE (pravila)
practice (vaja z rešitvami)
CAN (trdilna oblika)
can - kaj znajo?
can in sentences - can v stavkih
can (stavki, sličice)
can / can't
CAN? (vprašalnice)
can questions exercise (vaja)
write the questions (napiši vprašanja)
can-short answers (kratki odgovori na vprašanja s Can you...?)
practise (vadimo)
can - kaj znajo?
can in sentences - can v stavkih
can (stavki, sličice)
can / can't
CAN? (vprašalnice)
can questions exercise (vaja)
write the questions (napiši vprašanja)
can-short answers (kratki odgovori na vprašanja s Can you...?)
practise (vadimo)
sports - različne naloge, aktivnosti, vaje -ŠPORT
sports words (športi - besedišče)
sports game (igra spomin)
Easter - vaje, aktivnosti - velika noč
easter words (velikonočne besede)
EGG HUNT - pomagaj zajčku najti pirhe
easter words (velikonočne besede)
EGG HUNT - pomagaj zajčku najti pirhe
Pets - vaje in razne aktivnosti na temo hišnih ljubljenčkov
matching pets - poveži hišne ljubljenčke s poimenovanji
wordsearch - poišči hišne ljubljenčke, poimenovanja za njihove dele telesa in besedice za opis
game (igra)
GAMES (igre in druge aktvinosti na temo PETS)
petek, 2. april 2010
Kőrper und Gesundheit
Die Körperteile des Menschen (deli človeškega telesa)
Deli telesa - igra 1 2 3 4 5 6
Welchen Artikel hat der Körperteil? (kateri člen ima del telesa)
WEM tut was weh? (koga kaj boli)
ÜBUNGEN (vaje)
Lückentextübung/Vaja vstavljanja
der Imperativ
Mache Imperative
Ergänze die Imperativform
Länder und Sprachen
Wie heißen die Länder auf Deutsch? (kako se imanujejo države po nemško)
Wie heißt die Sprache? (kako se reče jeziku)
Was mögen Haustiere? (kaj imajo domače živali rade)
Haustiere Kreuzworträtsel (živalska križanka)
Tiergeräusche (živalski zvoki)
Was tun die Tiere? (kaj delajo živali)
Übungen (vaje)
Tiere in slowenischen Wäldern (živali v slovenskih gozdovih)
Königreich der Tiere (kraljestvo živali)
Mein Lieblingstier (moja najljubša žival)
Teste dein Wissen (preveri svoje znanje)
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